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Advanced Innovation in Remote 
Water Analysis
"There is no reason to waste a drop of our WATER resources. As, we have no second chance to get enough fresh WATER for our future generations."

Alireza Ghaffari, Ph.D


NASA Live Earth From Space (HDVR) ISS

Earth Views: Seen From The International Space Station

Earth Views: Seen From The International Space Station

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Courses &


  • Geoinformatics

  • GIS & RS

  • Communicating with Maps

  • Natural Hazards

  • Map Design and production

  • Maps and Aerial photo Interpretation

  • Physical Geography

  • Natural Resources

  • Water Resource Management

  • Introduction to Environmental Studies

Courses & Teaching

Conservation Farming Relating to Water-Quality and Quantity

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservations Service and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have focused part of the National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) on the School Branch watershed. The USGS is collaborating, through a Clean Water Act Section 319 grant, with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to accomplish NWQI nonpoint-source water-pollution assessment activities in the School Branch watershed.


Water Analysis

Advanced Satellite

NASA Worldview

NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) provides the capability to interactively browse over 600 global, full-resolution satellite imagery layers and then download the underlying data.  



Near Real-Time (NRT) data and imagery from the AIRSAMSR2LIS (ISS)MISRMLSMODISMOPITTOMIOMPS, and VIIRS .Most data products are available within 3 hours from satellite observation. NRT imagery are generally available 3-5 hours after observation.


earth explorer

Use the USGS EarthExplorer (EE) to search, download, and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products. In addition to data from the Landsat missions and a variety of other data providers, EE provides access to MODIS land data products from the NASA Terra and Aqua missions, and ASTER level-1B data products over the U.S. and Territories from the NASA ASTER mission. 


Water Initiative envisions

NOAA has embarked on a comprehensive NOAA Water Initiative, designed to give people and governments better access to the water information they need for their unique circumstances, so that they may take appropriate actions to address water-related risks and manage their water resources more efficiently and effectively.  

Educations & Employment History

With more than 25 years experiences in local & international Water Resources

Educations & Employment History


Most Recent Publications

Ghaffari, A., Bunch, M., MacRae, R. and Zhao J., (2012) Tools for Geospatial and Agent-Based Modeling to Evaluate Climate Change in an Agricultural Watershed in Transition to Organic Agriculture Canadian Organic Science Conference, Feb. 21-23, 2012, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Asgary Ali, Ghaffari Alireza, and Levy Jason, (2010) "Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Structural Fire Incidents and Their Causes: Case of Toronto", Fire Safety Journal.

Ghaffari, A., Asgary, A., (2009) Spatial Autoregressive Modeling of Predicting Damaged in Fire Events. Twenty-nine Annual ESRI International User Conference, Jul 13-17, San Diego, USA.  


Asgary, A., Ghaffari, A., Kong, A., (2009) Enhancing Emergency Response to Oil and Gas Pipelines Incidents using a Fuzzy JESS Method. Thirtieth Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jun 22-25, Alberta, Canada.

Ghaffari, A., Bunch, M., MacRae, R. and Zhao J., (2015) Socioeconomic Support Optimization for Transition from Conventional to Organic Farming Using a Spatiotemporal Agent-based Model. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES. Volume 8, Issue 3-4, pp.13-25. 

Ghaffari, A., Bunch, M., MacRae, R. and Zhao J., (in review) Agent-Based Modeling to Estimate GHG Emission in an Agricultural Watershed in Transition to Organic Agriculture. Ecological Modeling.

Ghaffari, A., Bunch, M., MacRae, R. and Zhao J., (2012) Simple Scenarios of Transition to Organic Farming Using Geospatial and Agent-Based Modeling: implications for greenhouse gas mitigation Canadian Association Geographers (CAG), May 28-Jun.2, 2012, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 


Tel:  001-416-409-7871


Mailing address:  26 Macmillan Cres.

Barrie ON L4N 7H2 , Canada

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